Sunday, 16 October 2011

All The Same

Throughout our history, there have always been fights among human beings for certain rights, beliefs, ideaologies and many pointless wars and senseless killings which could have and should have been avoided. In Genesis 1:26 it says;

Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground." (New Living Translation, 2007)

When taken at face value this verse sounds like common sense to us. We have domunion over all living creatures that God has put on this earth along with us. But thats not what I'd like to talk about here. I'd like you to pay attention to the first few words of this verse which I believe is usually forgotten. "Let us make human being in out image" This verse tells us that every single one of us is an image of God on earth. Even that guy who smells a little funny or that girl who dresses like a barbie doll. What they may say or do may be a little odd to us, but they're still images of God as we are too. So everytime we look at another person, we're looking at the image of God. And one of the greatest sins that mankind has commited over the years and still continue to commit is exactly this. Failure to accept God's other creations with open arms and to love them like our siblings. Lets look at this with examples.

Racism. A major issue in the Unites States many years ago. well, maybe not THAT many years. I have a question for you. Does God differentiate his children based on their skin tone? Culture? Ethnical background? The land where they come from? You already know the answer to this one. No, he doesn't. He loves them just as much as He loves any other person so where do get our rights to claim superiority over any other race or person? If you look at "to be like us" the last part of the first sentence, racism is most definitely not something that God would do and its not "like Him" at all. Another example is Adolf Hitler.

Everyone knows that he didn't play very nicely with the Jewish people. In the end, his unfriendlyness led to a senseless killing spree. Why? Do we discriminate them because of what they believe? Or because thier history? If that be the case, there would be no such thing as world peace. There would be hate among the European countries, China would hate Japan, Japan would hate America and the world's biggest countries would be taken out of the globalization equation. We don't deny what happened in the past, but we don't live in it so don't drag things that happened before be the littlest things like your friend spilling his drink on your shirt. God doesn't hate us now because 'we' killed his only son. He's kind, compassionate and forgiving so "be like Him"

Another thing I'd like to bring up is gay bashing. Its true homosexuality is forbidded in Christianity and many other religions and generally unaccepted society. But its not their fault that that happened to them. God doesn't hate them because they have different sexual orientations. These people, have different lives to lead, a different path to take from the other so-called 'normal people' but they're no different than us. They eat, drink, breathe, study, work, clean, cook, wash so on and so forth. Whats so different about them at fundamental levels? Its unjust to bash these people up based on your own social standards, so don't.

I'm probably not the best person to be talking about all this since I'm a sinner, I'm flawed too. But I think this is something important that we've forgotten but something that should be thought about and kept in mind. Even those who aren't religious I'm sure you can still relate. What gives you the right to discriminate people based on their color or sexual orientation? Nothing. Its things like ego and superiority complex that gets in the way of all this. No one is better than another person. Everyone is All The Same.

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